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Simple, easy page. BTW, no rules are being added for now.

Click and register!

Is this page simple, or what?
In case you don't understand the rules of registering, and for me to use up space, this page will help you register!

User Name Obviously the most important part! Put the name you wish to be known as.

Desired Password Because of hackers, it would be smart to use letters and numbers, up to 6 characters.

Enter Password Again I think this is here just so you don't misspell your password...

In some cases the ezboard admininstrator requires a password for local registration. Please enter it here. Not important.

Email Address Make sure you get it right!!! If you get it wrong, you will have to use another name if you forget your password!

Can you receive HTML emails? I don't know, can I? :P

First Name Last Name First name is okay, but be careful about giving away last names.

Address I wouldnt trust ezboard with my address, make a fake one up.

City You know where you live RIGHT?

Zip (US Residents Only) You poor, poor people who don't get to live here...

State Hopfully you know where you are.

Country Yeah, yeah... Last 2 numbers of Birth Year ex: 75 They ask this cuz they put your age in your profile.

Gender Hmm..why not "Sex" instead of "Gender"?

How did you hear about ezboard? Why do they care? They dont read what you put.

I wouldnt sign up for the junk mail. It's just crap.

Our Terms of Use I think you know how to read, go to the registering page and read it there. Then either Agree or Disagree.

Bang! You're done! See, you didn't need to read this helping page, did you? :D